Channel: Operation Ouch
Category: Education
Tags: science for kidsoperation ouch poodr xandoperation ouch broken boneskids sciencehome schoolingbroken bonesoperation ouch full episodesoperation ouch episodeshuman bodyscience at homehome scienceoperation ouch en españollessons for kidscbbc operation ouchtrivia questionseducational kids contentscience experiments for kidsscience projectoperation ouchbiology for kidskids science experimentsdr chris
Description: Subscribe for more: Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand show us around the radiology department, which has all kinds of cool kit that can actually see INSIDE the body! Let's find out how X-rays are used to look at our bones. #BrokenBones #Xrays #Radiology #BodyParts Operation Ouch is a science show for kids that is full of experiments and biological learnings. In this educational TV show, twin brothers Dr. Chris and Dr. Xand do science experiments for kids, to explain us how the human body with all its different parts and systems works, and how medicine and medical procedures can help. It's Biology for kids in a fun format! You can buy the book here and download the series here #OperationOuch #ScienceForKids